Rog & Roll!

The world’s worst-kept secret is at last revealed: I am in fact making a Badnix video game!

Yeah, I know you guessed it already. Of course everyone did! But I didn’t want to get too carried away promising things before I was sure this game was actually going to happen. And I’m pretty sure now!

The plan is for this to be a full-length 2.5D platformer, starring everybody’s favorite walking tomato, as he rolls his way through exotic locales like Wood World and Sky World in a quest to free his fellow monsters from King Metafoblin’s latest scheme. The game won’t cover the events of the comic per se – it’s going to be more of a standalone AU kind of thing – but you should expect to see all kinds of familiar characters, monsters, locations, and more from the comic, rendered in 3D 8-bit glory.

I’ll be posting a lot more about the game in the near future, and probably even moreso over on my twitter account (there’s a video of gameplay up there now in fact!)

And if you’re in the Pittsburgh area, I’m planning to demo the game live for the first time ever at the Bitbridge Halloween Showcase this Wednesday. I dunno how many Western Pennsylvania peeps I have in my readership, but it would be fun to see some of you there!

October Goings-on

At the time of writing, the Ted vs. Alien story has come to its shockingly lowkey conclusion, and the whispers on the lips of Badnix readers everywhere form a single refrain: what now?

Well, you know the drill – I’m currently buried under a mountain of non-comic obligations, and can’t launch into the next story for a bit. HOWEVER! One of those obligations happens to be the secret project I’ve been hinting at for a while.

If all goes according to plan, I’m going to finally be publicly revealing this really cool new Badnix-related project in the extremely near future. And then I’ll be showing it off at a public event later this month! Expect to hear more about that very soon.

Not promising anything, but I might be able to do some special comic stuff for Halloween, also. I have a good idea for it! Just a matter of if the timing works out. And then the next major story will probably start either late this month or early November. Stay tuned!

Robot vs. Alien

I can’t tell you how many cards and letters I’ve received over the years, all asking the same question: “will the boring orange robot fight an alien Megaman?” Until now, the answer to that question has been no – until now, dear readers! Yes, the story YOU demanded is finally here!

Okay, no, this is just a thing I came up with to fill in some blanks between the last World Warriors chapter and the next one. It will be short! And sweet. Those are adjectives I promise will apply!

Meanwhile, Rog squirms in the grip of unruly shadowed apes. Will the comic’s main character ever actually get a story to himself again? No! Never! Or maybe that will be the next one. No man can say.

More Badnix Soon!

Soon! But not yet! Sorry about that.

Probably not next week, but very likely the week after, a new (mini-)story will kick off. Really didn’t want it to take this long, but sometimes it’s unavoidable – need to keep the embers burning here in my dismal hovel so I can continue drawing quality tomato-man funnies for you, the reader.

Progress on the Secret Project continues apace! Not giving anything away just yet but yes, it’s exactly what you think it is. Hope to share more soon!