6 responses to “Getting Darker”

  1. pakopako says:

    This sounds like a scene for Relata-Bull.

    -=Pako “Pyrotechnic-maker” Pako=-

    Those moths look weird… and cold… and fever.

    • pakopako says:

      Wait.. is the Bro-bot-in-law going to masticate his alkaline?!

      -=Pako “I think I need an antacid” Pako=-

  2. pakopako says:

    Just read the alt-text. Is Clayton constipated? Maybe mentally?

    -=Pako “Moar Fiber” Pako=-

  3. Moustache Man says:

    She should look at it from the good side. At least she’ll inherit her mother’s good hair! Or good wig.

  4. Cotton says:

    This child is SO CUTE

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