Mana Burn

Sluri’s “mana injury” is a plot point that’s kind of floated in the background over the past year or two. As was mentioned not too long ago, when Kevin destroyed Fantasy World, she overtaxed her magical abilities trying to rescue its inhabitants and wound up suffering a type of magical injury Ted calls mana burn. (I stole the name from Magic: The Gathering! Look it up some time.)

At the time it seemed like Sluri would never be able to use magic again – but flash forward a bit, and we see her back in the fray, using magic without issue… until the time she used too much magic, and started falling apart at the seams again. So that’s a thing that can happen! And (as per today’s comic) it’s only going to get worse. So, putting all of that together, Rog’s reasons for sidelining Sluri might become a little clearer.

I hope nobody encounters this stuff and thinks they’re expected to be remembering “rules” to the comic’s “magic system” or anything – that’s not the point. It’s more of a metaphor for any element of your body that might rebel against you. Everything in Badnix is a metaphor! Or a pun. Or an obtuse video game reference. Sometimes all 3 simultaneously.

Anyway, the important takeaway here is that Darrk’s real name was “Derek” all along. HA! What a maroon! (I really hope nobody named Derek reads this comic)

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