Happy Halloween!


Or should I say… SCARY HOWLSPOOKMEAN?! MUA HA HA! No, of course I shouldn’t.

Anyway, I wanted to mention We Don’t Go There At Night – it’s a vaguely Halloween-themed comic anthology, featuring some work from myself, and it just went live! Everybody involved got assigned one of two blocks of text, and were set loose to interpret that text pretty much however they wanted. You can read the whole thing online for free over here, or you can download the very lovely PDF edition.

My weird little vignette starts around here, but please poke around the rest of it too! It’s pretty cool to see all the crazy creative rivulets branching out from the same starting point.

Welp, that’s all I’ve got. Have a good night everybody! I’m gonna spend my Halloween like I always do: watching some scary flicks and eating an irresponsible amount of candy! (READ: a single fun-size Milky Way Bar, three minutes of a Treehouse of Horror segment on Youtube)

– CC

Super Badnix DX Turbo!!

Yep, we’re finally back! I’ve made a few adjustments to the site in the interim – maybe you’ve noticed?

But lo! Rog & co. remain MIA! For the next week or so, we’ll be following Chief McCloud, that ornery ol’ police chief you can’t help but forget about. Er, love. One of those. He showed up way, way back in the 2nd Badnix story ever, if you can believe it! And now he’s back… to SETTLE THE SCORE! (Also to resurrect some old plot points.)

Anyway, please poke around in the new site and let me know what’s broken or in need of sprucing up! (PRO TIP: it’s probably everything)

– CC